In this research, weaim to investigateformulation of bacterial consortium as whole cell biocatalyst for degradation of oil compounds. We constructed microbial consortium from 4 (four) selected marine oil bacteria to become 15 (twelve) combination culture. Those bacteria were from collection of Laboratory of Biocatalyst and Fermentation, Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institutes of Sciences and designated as Labrenzia sp. MBTDCMFRIMab26, Labrenzia aggregata strasin HQB397, Novosphingobium pentaromativorans strain PQ-3 16S, and Novosphingobium pentaromativorans strain US6-1. The mixture or bacteria consortia, denoted as F1, F2, …F15 consisted of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bacterial strains, respectively. The strains were selected based on the criteria that they were able to display good growth in crude oil containing media. Five bacterialformulationsshowed good potentialas candidates for microbial consortium. We will optimize these consortium with carrier matrix choosed from biomass materials and also carry out oil content analysis.
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27 November 2017
23–24 October 2017
Jakarta, Indonesia
Research Article|
November 27 2017
Formulation of bacterial consortium as whole cell biocatalyst for degradation of oil compounds
Elvi Yetti;
Elvi Yetti
Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institutes of Sciences
, Jl. Raya Bogor Jakarta Km. 46 Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
, 16911
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Amalia A’la;
Amalia A’la
Department of Biology, Mathematical and Natural Sciences Faculty
, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
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Nailul Luthfiyah;
Nailul Luthfiyah
Department of Biology, Mathematical and Natural Sciences Faculty, Lampung University
, Indonesia
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Hans Wijaya;
Hans Wijaya
Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institutes of Sciences
, Jl. Raya Bogor Jakarta Km. 46 Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
, 16911
Search for other works by this author on:
Ahmad Thontowi;
Ahmad Thontowi
Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institutes of Sciences
, Jl. Raya Bogor Jakarta Km. 46 Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
, 16911
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Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 1904, 020052 (2017)
Elvi Yetti, Amalia A’la, Nailul Luthfiyah, Hans Wijaya, Ahmad Thontowi, Yopi; Formulation of bacterial consortium as whole cell biocatalyst for degradation of oil compounds. AIP Conf. Proc. 27 November 2017; 1904 (1): 020052.
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