The increasing demand for sheet metal parts and profiles with enhanced mechanical properties by using high and ultra-high-strength (UHS) steels for the automotive industry must be covered by increasing flexibility of tools and machines. This can be achieved by applying innovative technologies such as roll forming with integrated inductive heating. This process is similar to indirect press hardening and can be used for the production of hardened profiles and profiles with graded properties in longitudinal and traverse direction. The advantage is that the production of hardened components takes place in a continuous process and the integration of heating and quenching units in the profiling system increases flexibility, accompanied by shortening of the entire process chain and minimizing the springback risk. The features of the mentioned process consists of the combination of inhomogeneous strain distribution over the stripe width by roll forming and inhomogeneity of microstructure by accelerated inductive heating to austenitizing temperature. Therefore, these two features have a direct influence on the mechanical properties of the material during forming and hardening. The aim of this work is the investigation of the influence of heating rates on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties to determine the process window. The results showed that heating rate should be set at 110 K/s for economic integration of inductive heating into the roll forming process.
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16 October 2017
26–28 April 2017
Dublin, Ireland
Research Article|
October 16 2017
Influence of inductive heating on microstructure and material properties in roll forming processes
Anna Guk;
Anna Guk
Professorship Forming and Joining, Institute for Machine Tools and Product Processes, Technical University Chemnitz
, Germany
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Andreas Kunke;
Andreas Kunke
Professorship Forming and Joining, Institute for Machine Tools and Product Processes, Technical University Chemnitz
, Germany
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Verena Kräusel;
Verena Kräusel
Professorship Forming and Joining, Institute for Machine Tools and Product Processes, Technical University Chemnitz
, Germany
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Dirk Landgrebe
Dirk Landgrebe
Professorship Forming and Joining, Institute for Machine Tools and Product Processes, Technical University Chemnitz
, Germany
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Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 1896, 080027 (2017)
Anna Guk, Andreas Kunke, Verena Kräusel, Dirk Landgrebe; Influence of inductive heating on microstructure and material properties in roll forming processes. AIP Conf. Proc. 16 October 2017; 1896 (1): 080027.
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