In modern economies, companies place a premium on managing their workforce efficiently especially in labor intensive service sector, since the services have become the significant portion of the economies. Tour scheduling is an important tool to minimize the overall workforce costs while satisfying the minimum service level constraints. In this study, we consider the workforce management problem of an inbound call-center while satisfying the call demand within the short time periods with the minimum cost. We propose a mixed-integer programming model to assign workers to the daily shifts, to determine the weekly off-days, and to determine the timings of lunch and other daily breaks for each worker. The proposed model has been verified on the weekly demand data observed at a specific call center location of a satellite TV operator. The model was run on both 15 and 10 minutes demand estimation periods (planning time intervals).
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2 June 2016
INNOVATIONS THROUGH MATHEMATICAL AND STATISTICAL RESEARCH: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics (ICMSS2016)
26–28 January 2016
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Research Article|
June 02 2016
An MIP model to schedule the call center workforce and organize the breaks
Turgay Türker;
Turgay Türker
1Department of Industrial Engineering,
Karabük University
, Karabük, TURKEY
Search for other works by this author on:
Ayhan Demiriz
Ayhan Demiriz
2Department of Industrial Engineering,
Sakarya University
, Sakarya, TURKEY
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Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 1739, 020048 (2016)
Turgay Türker, Ayhan Demiriz; An MIP model to schedule the call center workforce and organize the breaks. AIP Conf. Proc. 2 June 2016; 1739 (1): 020048.
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