Gulf of Jakarta is an area of active sedimentation. There exist a wide sediment deposition area on the north coast of Jakarta. Generally, these sediments have not been consolidated, so that the conditions in these area is an important factor to determining liquefaction in these area. Liquefaction may occur because of earthquake that cause loss of strength and stiffness in soils. Analysis of liquefaction potential based from SPT data taken at gulf of Jakarta, include susceptibility rate and the factors that triggering. Liquefaction analysis methods compared with each other to get the factor of safety against liquefaction according to the characteristics of the soil. Liquefaction analysis at surface using susceptibility rating factor (SRF). SRF method controled by factors: history, geology, composition, and groundwater. Each factors have parameters that determine the value of SRF.From the analysis, Gulf of Jakarta has susceptibility rating from liquefaction with SRF value 12 – 35. The value shows that Gulf of Jakarta dominated by area that have susceptibility rating from medium to high. High susceptibility rating from liquefaction concentrated at coast area.
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6 May 2016
THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EARTHHAZARD AND DISASTER MITIGATION: The Annual Symposium on Earthquake and Related Geohazard Research for Disaster Risk Reduction
19–20 October 2015
Bandung, Indonesia
Research Article|
May 06 2016
Liquefaction hazard analysis for infrastructure development in gulf of Jakarta
Indra A. Dinata;
Indra A. Dinata
1Student at Engineering Geology
, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung, Indonesia
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Yudi Darlan;
Yudi Darlan
Research and Development Center of Maritime Geology
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Imam A. Sadisun;
Imam A. Sadisun
3Departement of Engineering Geology
, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung, Indonesia
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Haris Pindratno;
Haris Pindratno
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Recources Republic Indonesia
, Indonesia
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Agus Saryanto
Agus Saryanto
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Recources Republic Indonesia
, Indonesia
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Corresponding Author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 1730, 030001 (2016)
Indra A. Dinata, Yudi Darlan, Imam A. Sadisun, Haris Pindratno, Agus Saryanto; Liquefaction hazard analysis for infrastructure development in gulf of Jakarta. AIP Conf. Proc. 6 May 2016; 1730 (1): 030001.
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