The hunt for the neutrino mass in the process of the neutrinoless double beta decay (0νβ β) belongs to a crucial task in the field of physics beyond the Standard model. The next generation experiment SuperNEMO, based on the NEMO-3 calo-tracko detection technique is devoted to measure this extremely rare nuclear process within the half-life sensitivity of 1 × 1026 years, which correspond to the sensitivity on the effective neutrino mass 〈mν〉 of 40 – 110 meV. In this contribution, a progress in the construction and commissioning of the first SuperNEMO module - demonstrator, is reported.
, R.
et al (SuperNEMO Collaboration
), Eur. Phys. J. C
, 70
) 927
, R.
et al (NEMO Collaboration
), Phys. Rev. Lett.
) 182302
, R.
et al, Low Radioactivity Techniques 2015
(LRT 2015
), Seattle, Washington (USA), 18-20 March 2015
; Manuscript submitted to the AIP conference proceedings
, J.
, Search for double beta decay of 82Se with the NEMO-3 detector and development of apparatus for low-level radon measurements for the SuperNEMO experiment
. Doctoral thesis, UCL
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