A two-colored digraph is a digraph each of whose arcs is colored by red or blue. An (h,k)-walk in a two-colored digraph is a walk consisting of h red arcs and k blue arcs. A two-colored digraph is primitive provided that for each pair of vertices u and ν there exists an (h,k)-walk from u to ν and from ν to u. The smallest of such positive integer h+k is called the exponent of D(2). Let D(2) be a primitive two colored digraph and let X be a nonempty subset of V(D(2)). The set exponent of X, denoted exp(X,D), is defined to be the smallest positive integer h+k over all nonnegative integers h and k such that for each vertex ν in D(2) there exists an (h,k)-walk from at least one vertex in X to ν. The kth upper generalized exponent of D, F(k,D(2)) is defined to be . We discuss upper generalized exponents of two-colored primitive extremal ministrong digraphs on n vertices, that is a two-colored digraph consisting of an (n-1)-cycle and an (n-2)-cycle. We present a lower bound for the kth upper generalized exponent that depends on n and k.
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4 December 2014
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON QUANTITATIVE SCIENCES AND ITS APPLICATIONS (ICOQSIA 2014): Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Quantitative Sciences and Its Applications
12–14 August 2014
Langkawi, Kedah Malaysia
Research Article|
December 04 2014
Upper generalized exponents of two-colored primitive extremal ministrong digraphs
Ismail Hussein;
Ismail Hussein
Department of Mathematics, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155,
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Yogo D. Prasetyo;
Yogo D. Prasetyo
Department of Mathematics, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155,
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Saib Suwilo
Saib Suwilo
Department of Mathematics, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155,
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AIP Conf. Proc. 1635, 430–439 (2014)
Ismail Hussein, Yogo D. Prasetyo, Saib Suwilo; Upper generalized exponents of two-colored primitive extremal ministrong digraphs. AIP Conf. Proc. 4 December 2014; 1635 (1): 430–439. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4903618
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