Recent progress in integrating the latest LHCD model based on ray-tracing into the Integrated Plasma Simulator (IPS) is reported. IPS, a python based framework for time dependent tokamak simulation, was expanded recently to incorporate LHCD simulation using GENRAY/CQL3D (ray-tracing/3D Fokker-Planck package). Using GENRAY/CQL3D in the IPS framework, it becomes possible to include parasitic LHCD power loss near the plasma edge, which was found to be important in experiments particularly at high density as expected on reactors. Moreover, it allows for evolving the velocity distribution function in 4 D (ν, ν⊥, r/a, t) space self-consistently. In order to validate the code, IPS is applied to LHCD experiments on Alctor C-Mod. In this paper, a LHCD experiment performed at the density of ne∼0.5×1020m−3 where good LHCD efficiency and the development of internal transport barrier (ITB) was reported, is modelled in a predictive mode and the result is compared with experiment.

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