Three WC-C peritectic fixed point cells, constructed from different sources of tungsten with different nominal purities, were measured at NIM and NMIJ. The three cells were constructed at NMIJ by NIM and NMIJ staffs, and T90 values of the three cells were measured at NMIJ during the period 31 Aug. to 25 Dec. 2009. Thereafter, the three cells were then transported to NIM, and T90 values of these cells were measured from 7 Dec. 2011 to 9 Jan. 2012. The results showed that T90 values of the three cells measured at the two institutes agreed within 0.4 °C with the combined scale comparison uncertainty of 1.7 °C (k = 2). The main component of the uncertainty is not the uncertainty due to impurities of the cells but the scale uncertainty and the stability of the measurement system. From these results it can be concluded that the WC-C cell is stable enough to provide new means of international high-temperature scale comparison above 3000 K.

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