A database of published L-subshell X-ray production cross sections due to the impact of 4He+ ions on several elements is compiled. In order to evaluate the data, they are compared with theoretical calculations using the ECPSSR theory (which modifies the Plane Wave Born Approximation) and its corrections, such as Multiple Ionization of the target atom (MI), United Atom (UA), and Intra-shell coupling (IS) models. It was found that the theory does not predict reliably the experimental results for all elements and energy ranges. Furthermore, a possible universal scaling for the xray production cross sections of the Lα(L3M4+L3M5) and the Lγ(L2N4+L1N2+L1N3+L1O3+L1O2+L2N1+L2O4) lines is proposed, based on reduced velocity parameters ξLR and ξL1,2R, respectively. This scaling seems to be useful for the Lα experimental points and not so good for the Lγ line, suggesting that more extensive theoretical studies in this direction should be followed.

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