We have developed an ion source which can produce high current beams of metal ions. The source uses a metal vapor vacuum arc discharge as the plasma medium from which the ions are extracted, so we have called this source the MEVVA ion source. The metal plasma is created simply and efficiently and no carrier gas is required. Beams have been produced from metallic elements spanning the periodic table from lithium through uranium, at extraction voltages from 10 to 60 kV and with beam currents as high as 1.1 Amperes (electrical current in all charge states).
In this paper a brief description of the source is given and its possible application as an ion source for heavy ion fusion is considered. Beams such as C+ (≥99% of the beam in this species and charge state), Cr2+ (80%), and Ta3+,4+,5+ (mixed charge states) have been produced. Beam emittance measurements and ways of increasing the source brightness are discussed.