Photosynthesis supports the biosphere. Currently, human activity appropriates about one fourth of terrestrial photosynthetic net primary production (NPP) to support our GDP and nutrition. The cost to Earth systems of "our cut" of NPP is thought to be rapidly driving several Earth systems outside of bounds that were established on the geological time scale. Even with a fundamental realignment of human priorities, changing the unsustainable trajectory of the anthropocene will require reengineering photosynthesis to more efficiently meet human needs. Artificial photosynthetic systems are envisioned that can both supply renewable fuels and serve as platforms for exploring redesign strategies for photosynthesis. These strategies can be used in the nascent field of synthetic biology to make vast, much needed improvements in the biomass production efficiency of photosynthesis.
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8 March 2013
12–16 August 2012
Örenäs Castle, Sweden
Research Article|
March 08 2013
Artificial photosynthesis combines biology with technology for sustainable energy transformation
Thomas A. Moore;
Thomas A. Moore
Center for Bioenergy and Photosynthesis, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1604,
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Ana L. Moore;
Ana L. Moore
Center for Bioenergy and Photosynthesis, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1604,
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Devens Gust
Devens Gust
Center for Bioenergy and Photosynthesis, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1604,
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AIP Conf. Proc. 1519, 68–72 (2013)
Thomas A. Moore, Ana L. Moore, Devens Gust; Artificial photosynthesis combines biology with technology for sustainable energy transformation. AIP Conf. Proc. 8 March 2013; 1519 (1): 68–72.
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