The LEAR cooled p̄ beam will be used to produce tagged K0, K̄0 in equal numbers through the reactions: p̄+p → K0+K+ or p̄+p → K̄o+K+ (toal branching ratio 0.42%). The sign of the charged kaon determines whether a K0 or K̄0 was produced. Since the physical states of the neutral kaon system are the KL, KS there will be transitions between K0 and K̄0 and vice versa. Eventually the neutral kaon will decay. By measuring the charge of electron in the Ke3 decays: K̄0 → e++ν̄; K0 → e++ν, one can determine whether the particle which decayed was K0 or K̄0. By studying the time evolution of the Ke3 decays, where the initial state at t=0 is pure K0 or K̄0, it is possible to measure the CP violation parameter ε, the CPT violation parameters Δ λ0, yl and Δ S=−Δ Q parameters xl, x̄l (which can also reflect CPT violation). This experiment would be the first experiment to search directly for T violation in the neutral koan system where CP has been shown to be violated.

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