The traditional outreach event in the form of a round table took place in the afternoon of Saturday June 30th, 2012, as part of the school - CSSP12. The subject this year was "Science in times of crisis: Cut or Expand?!" Some of the questions addressed, remarks, and recommendations are presented below in a compressed form. Two types of crisis were identified: major and minor crises. The session was moderated by the director of the school. Guests from outside the school were present: from the science management of the host country - the government of Romania, from academia and other research institutes. The starting ideas of the organizers are listed only, and a brief description of several of the presentations or interventions are made here. A broadcast video of the round table discussion was realized and edited by the media team Gina Isar & Ovidiu Banaru from the Institute of Space Science Bucharest and is posted online.

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