This is a summarized version of the forthcoming paper [19].

Let m and n be any positive integers. We write e(x) = e−1, and use the vectorial notation x = (x1,…,xm) for any complex x and xi(i = 1,…,m). The main object of this paper is the Shintani zeta‐function φ̃n(s,a,λ;z) defined by (1.4) below, where sj(j = 1,…,n) are complex variables, ai and λi(i = 1,2) real parameters with ai>0, and zj complex parameters with |argzj|<π(j = 1,…,n). We shall first present a complete asymptotic expansion of φ̃n(s,a,λ;z) in the ascending order of zn as zn→0 (Theorem 1), and that in the descending order of zn as zn→∞ (Theorem 2), both through the sectorial region |argzn−θ0|<π/2 for any angle θ0 with 0|<π/2, while other zj’s move within the same sector upon satisfying the conditions zj≈zn (j = 1,…,n−1). It is significant that the Lauricella hypergeometric functions (defined by (2.1) below) appear in each term of the asymptotic series on the right sides of (2.7) and (2.10). Our main formulae (2.6) (with (2.7) and (2.8)) and (2.9) (with (2.10) and (2.11)) further yield several functional properties of φ̃n(s,a,λ;z) (Corollaries 1–3).

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