The aim of this study was to evaluate, through the analysis of histomorfometric, the repair of complete tibial fracture in rabbits fixed with osteosynthesis, treated or not with infrared laser light (λ780 nm, 50 mW, CW) associated or not to the use of hydroxyapatite and guided bone regeneration (GBR). Surgical fractures were created, under general anesthesia (Ketamina 0,4 ml/Kg IP and Xilazina 0,2 ml/Kg IP), on the dorsum of 15 Oryctolagus rabbits that were divided into 5 groups and maintained on individual cages, at day/night cycle, fed with solid laboratory pelted diet and had water ad libidum. On groups II, III, IV and V the fracture was fixed with wire osteosynthesis. Animals of groups III and V were grafted with hydroxyapatite and GBR technique used. Animals of groups IV and V were irradiated at every other day during two weeks Observation time was that of 30 days. After animal death (overdose of general anesthetics) the specimes were routinely processed to wax and underwent histological analysis by light microscopy. The histomorfometric analysis showed an increased bone neoformation, increased collagen deposition, less reabsorption and inflammation when laser was associated to the HATCP. It is concluded that IR laser light was able to accelerate fracture healing and the association with HATCP and GBR resulted on increased deposition of CHA.
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24 August 2011
5–6 November 2010
Florence, (Italy)
Research Article|
August 24 2011
Bone Repair on Fractures Treated with Osteosynthesis, ir Laser, Bone Graft and Guided Bone Regeneration: Histomorfometric Study
Jouber Mateus dos Santos Aciole;
Jouber Mateus dos Santos Aciole
aCenter of Biophotonics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia, 62 Araujo Pinho Ave, Canela, Salvador, BA, Brazil, 40110‐150
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Gilberth Tadeu dos Santos Aciole;
Gilberth Tadeu dos Santos Aciole
aCenter of Biophotonics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia, 62 Araujo Pinho Ave, Canela, Salvador, BA, Brazil, 40110‐150
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Luiz Guilherme Pinheiro Soares;
Luiz Guilherme Pinheiro Soares
aCenter of Biophotonics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia, 62 Araujo Pinho Ave, Canela, Salvador, BA, Brazil, 40110‐150
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Artur Felipe Santos Barbosa;
Artur Felipe Santos Barbosa
aCenter of Biophotonics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia, 62 Araujo Pinho Ave, Canela, Salvador, BA, Brazil, 40110‐150
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Jean Nunes Santos;
Jean Nunes Santos
aCenter of Biophotonics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia, 62 Araujo Pinho Ave, Canela, Salvador, BA, Brazil, 40110‐150
cNational Institute of Science and Technology of Optics and Photonics, 400 Trabalhador São‐Carlense Ave, Centro, São Carlos, SP, Brazil, 13560‐970
dSurgical Pathology Laboratory, Federal University of Bahia, 62 Araujo Pinho Ave, Canela, Salvador, BA, Brazil, 40110‐150
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Antonio Luiz Barbosa Pinheiro
Antonio Luiz Barbosa Pinheiro
aCenter of Biophotonics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia, 62 Araujo Pinho Ave, Canela, Salvador, BA, Brazil, 40110‐150
bBiomedical Engineering Center ‐ Unicastelo, Parque Tecnológico de São José dos Campos Rod. Pres. Dutra, km 138 ‐ distrito de Eugênio de Melo São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil, 12247‐004
cNational Institute of Science and Technology of Optics and Photonics, 400 Trabalhador São‐Carlense Ave, Centro, São Carlos, SP, Brazil, 13560‐970
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AIP Conf. Proc. 1364, 60–65 (2011)
Jouber Mateus dos Santos Aciole, Gilberth Tadeu dos Santos Aciole, Luiz Guilherme Pinheiro Soares, Artur Felipe Santos Barbosa, Jean Nunes Santos, Antonio Luiz Barbosa Pinheiro; Bone Repair on Fractures Treated with Osteosynthesis, ir Laser, Bone Graft and Guided Bone Regeneration: Histomorfometric Study. AIP Conf. Proc. 24 August 2011; 1364 (1): 60–65.
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