We report the results of a low temperature photoluminescence investigation of 3C‐SiC samples grown by chemical vapor deposition on vapor‐liquid‐solid seeds. The main parameters tested in this series of samples were i°) the effects of changing the C/Si ratio and ii°) the growth temperature on the final growth product. On the first series the C/Si ratio varied from 1 to 14 for a constant growth temperature of 1550° C. For the second series, the growth temperature varied from 1450 to 1650° C by steps of 50° C with a constant C/Si ratio equal to 3. According to this work, the best results (minimum incorporation of impurities and best crystal quality) were obtained when using a C/Si ratio of 3 at 1650° C.
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© 2010 American Institute of Physics.
American Institute of Physics
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