The present work deals with the analysis of problems and potentials of laser vibrometer measurements inside helicopter cabins in running conditions. The paper describes the results of a systematic measurement campaign performed on an Agusta A109MKII mock‐up. The aim is to evaluate the applicability of Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer (SLDV) for tests in simulated flying conditions and to understand how performances of the technique are affected when the laser head is placed inside the cabin, thus being subjected to interfering inputs. Firstly a brief description of the performed test cases and the used measuring set‐ups are given. Comparative tests between SLDV and accelerometers are presented, analyzing the achievable performances for the specific application. Results obtained measuring with SLDV placed inside the helicopter cabin during operative excitation conditions are compared with those performed with the laser lying outside the mock‐up, these last being considered as “reference measurements”. Finally, in order to give an estimate of the uncertainty level on measured signals, a study linking the admitted percentage of noise content on vibrometer signals due to laser head vibration levels will be introduced.

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