From preliminary researches on a pilot scale, a complete demonstration plant was built to treat the effluents of a 30 pregnant sow’s piggery. It includes a screen, a vermifilter, a macrophyte lagooning, and a complementary water storage pond; the recycled water is used for flushing, and rainfall is collected to compensate for evapotranspiration. After functioning in 2008 and 2009, it was showed that, during the warm season, the whole plant produced an effluent suitable for flushing, where the concentration decrease was over 70% for the phosphorus and potassium, 95% for the COD and nitrogen, 99.8% for endocrine disruptors (estrogenic activity), and 99.99% for pathogenic micro‐organisms. During the cold season, the dilution by the rain water and the treatment effect of the constructed wetlands lead to similar results. Nevertheless, for this season, suitable floating macrophytes that will cover the lagoons remain to be settled.
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24 November 2010
2nd International Symposium on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Low Carbon Energy
7–10 December 2009
Sanya Hainan, (China)
Research Article|
November 24 2010
Extensive Treatment System For Recycling Water For Flushing Fresh Manure And Recovering Nutrients
Philippe Morand;
Philippe Morand
aUniversité Rennes 1/CNRS, UMR 6553 EcoBio, Station Biologique, 35380 Paimpont, France
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Paul Robin;
Paul Robin
bINRA, Agrocampus, UMR 1069 SAS, 65 rue de Saint‐Brieuc, 35000 Rennes, France
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Aurélie Escande;
Aurélie Escande
cUniversité Montpellier 1, UMR 5569 Hydrosciences, Département Sciences de l’Environnement et Santé Publique, Faculté de Pharmacie, BP14491, 34093 Montpellier cedex 5, France
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Bernadette Picot;
Bernadette Picot
cUniversité Montpellier 1, UMR 5569 Hydrosciences, Département Sciences de l’Environnement et Santé Publique, Faculté de Pharmacie, BP14491, 34093 Montpellier cedex 5, France
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Anne‐Marie Pourcher;
Anne‐Marie Pourcher
dCEMAGREF, UR GERE, 17 avenue de Cucillé, 35044 Rennes, France
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Qiu Jiangping;
Qiu Jiangping
eShanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, School of Agriculture and Biology, 800♯, Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 201101, P.R. China
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Li Yinsheng;
Li Yinsheng
eShanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, School of Agriculture and Biology, 800♯, Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 201101, P.R. China
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Gwenn Hamon;
Gwenn Hamon
fChambres d’Agriculture de Bretagne, Station Expérimentale de Guernevez, 29520 Saint‐Goazec, France
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Charlotte Amblard;
Charlotte Amblard
fChambres d’Agriculture de Bretagne, Station Expérimentale de Guernevez, 29520 Saint‐Goazec, France
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aUniversité Rennes 1/CNRS, UMR 6553 EcoBio, Station Biologique, 35380 Paimpont, France
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Sébastien Fievet;
Sébastien Fievet
fChambres d’Agriculture de Bretagne, Station Expérimentale de Guernevez, 29520 Saint‐Goazec, France
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Didier Oudart;
Didier Oudart
fChambres d’Agriculture de Bretagne, Station Expérimentale de Guernevez, 29520 Saint‐Goazec, France
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Camille Pain Le Quéré;
Camille Pain Le Quéré
fChambres d’Agriculture de Bretagne, Station Expérimentale de Guernevez, 29520 Saint‐Goazec, France
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Daniel Cluzeau;
Daniel Cluzeau
aUniversité Rennes 1/CNRS, UMR 6553 EcoBio, Station Biologique, 35380 Paimpont, France
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Brigitte Landrain
Brigitte Landrain
fChambres d’Agriculture de Bretagne, Station Expérimentale de Guernevez, 29520 Saint‐Goazec, France
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AIP Conf. Proc. 1251, 89–92 (2010)
Philippe Morand, Paul Robin, Aurélie Escande, Bernadette Picot, Anne‐Marie Pourcher, Qiu Jiangping, Li Yinsheng, Gwenn Hamon, Charlotte Amblard, Luth, Sébastien Fievet, Didier Oudart, Camille Pain Le Quéré, Daniel Cluzeau, Brigitte Landrain; Extensive Treatment System For Recycling Water For Flushing Fresh Manure And Recovering Nutrients. AIP Conf. Proc. 24 November 2010; 1251 (1): 89–92.
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