The dark matter of a spherical, relaxed galaxy cluster is modeled by isothermal, non‐interacting fermions; the galaxies and X‐ray gas by isothermal classical distributions. A fit to lensing data of the cluster Abell 1689 works well and yields a mass of a few eV. This low value casts doubt on the existence of a Cold Dark Matter particle.

The best case is the neutrino, for which in the cluster all 12 left‐ and righthanded modes are available. The fit gives an average mass 1.45(h/0.70)1/2eV, with 2% error, while neutrino oscillations bring deviations of order meV. A neutrino mass between 0.2 and 2 eV will be searched in the Katrin experiment in 2012. The ideal value is mν = Yeme = 1.4998 eV, where Ye = 23/4GF1/2me is the Yukawa coupling of the electron. It occurs for reduced Hubble constant h = 0.744 with 4% error, right on top of and slightly sharper than the presently best supernova value of Riess et al. 2009, h = 0.742 with 4.8% error.

In the cluster the neutrinos have a temperature of 0.045 K and a de Broglie length of 0.20 mm. They establish a quantum structure of several million light years across, the largest known in the Universe. The virial α‐particle temperature of 9.9±1.1 keV/kB coincides with the average one of X‐rays, while also the gas profile comes out well.

Active neutrinos alone with the 1.45 eV mass give some 9.5% dark matter, more than allowed by the cold dark matter papradigm. A dark matter fraction of some 19%, Ων = (h/0.70)−3/20.189 (4), occurs for 12 degrees of freedom, i. e., for 3 families of left plus right handed neutrinos. The sterile modes may be produced in the early universe if there is a small Majorana mass matrix of order meV, on top of the Dirac matrix with ∼1.45 eV masses.

The neutrinos are free‐streaming in the early universe and play no role during the decoupling. But now they are not homogeneous anymore. They condense on the Abell 1689 cluster fairly late, at redshift z∼6–8, a prediction testable in future observations. Thereby the spead up the intracluster gas to virial speeds of 10 keV, which causes reionization without assistance of heavy stars. Within the analysis, the baryons are poor tracers of the dark matter density.

This work is described in Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen, Do nonrelativistic neutrinos constitute the dark matter? Europhysics Letters 86, 59001 (2009). This text of this paper is an update of this work. Structure formation is presently believed to need cold dark matter. However, hydrodynamics alone may explain baryonic clustering without this trigger. Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen, C. H. Gibson and R. E. Schild, Gravitational hydrodynamics of large scale structure formation, Europhysics Letters 2009, to appear.

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