In this study, a spectral analysis of the dwarf nova WX Hyi (which is a Cataclysmic Variables (CV)) is presented. The system was observed during the normal ourburst with the XMM‐Newton observatory. X‐ray bolometric flux value is estimated to be erg and X‐ray luminosity erg/s. Elemental abundance was founded 3 factor of solar abundances. If the gas temperature is higher than it is optically thin. Therefore, they are radiated as thermal bremsstrahlung X‐ray emission. detector measurements indicate that X‐ray emitting maximum plasma temperature is Hence, the X‐ray spectrum analysis during the normal outburst of WX Hyi is indicated a hot and optically thin plasma in the boundary layer that cools via an isobaric cooling flow while settling onto the white dwarf. For this temperature, the mass accretion rate is estimated to be gr/s The ratio of the Boundary Layer (BL) (X‐ray) luminosity to the disc luminosity was estimated to be We calculated the mass accretion ratio of BL to the accretion disc to be ∼0.74 and ∼0.27 during the rise to the outburst and outburst, respectively. A great quantity of the accreting gas from the rise to the outburst is lost in a wind. Fe XXV line at 6.7 keV is originated from a plasma having temperature of The obtained temperature value from this study is compatible with this plasma structure.
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1 January 2010
ASTROPHYSICS AND COSMOLOGY AFTER GAMOW: Proceedings of the 4th Gamow International Conference on Astrophysics and Cosmology After Gamow and the 9th Gamow Summer School “Astronomy and Beyond: Astrophysics, Cosmology, Radio Astronomy, High Energy Physics and Astrobiology”
17–23 August 2009
Odessa (Ukraine)
Research Article|
January 01 2010
XMM‐Newton Data Analysis of WX Hydri
Mukadder I. G. D. I. SEN;
Mukadder I. G. D. I. SEN
aIstanbul University, Science Faculty, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 34119 University, Istanbul, Turkey
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aIstanbul University, Science Faculty, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 34119 University, Istanbul, Turkey
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Gülnur I. K. I. S. GÜN
Gülnur I. K. I. S. GÜN
bCanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Ulupinar Astrophysical Observatory, 17100, Canakkale, Turkey
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AIP Conf. Proc. 1206, 462–468 (2010)
Mukadder I. G. D. I. SEN, Füsun LIMBOZ, Gülnur I. K. I. S. GÜN; XMM‐Newton Data Analysis of WX Hydri. AIP Conf. Proc. 1 January 2010; 1206 (1): 462–468.
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