In the framework of the project DIAVLOS, a 48‐hours oil spill dispersion forecasting system was developed and implemented in the Northern Aegean Sea aiming at oil spill dispersion management at the Burgas‐Alexandroupolis oil‐pipe terminal (N.E. Aegean Sea). The system is based on wind, wave and ocean circulation models coupled with the operational systems ALERMO and SKIRON of the University of Athens and an oil‐spill dispersion model. The various components of the system were successfully developed, improved through sensitivity tests and coupled to form an operational oil spill dispersion forecasting system, available at an independent and interactive web‐site (, in order to be used by interested authorities. The system was also tested against field observations of special drifting floats that monitor the trajection and spreading of oil spills. It gives satisfactory results and in most cases the forecasting error is quite small, allowing the operational use of the system. Additionally, high‐resolution atmospheric and oceanic forecasting in the region is provided, to facilitate operations to contain oil spill spreading/beaching.

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