It is found that the intensity of the companion A1 band (Ac1) relative to that of the A1 band decreases with increasing pressure in g‐Ge1−xSex. In g‐GeSe2, a simple extrapolation of the intensity ratio gives a vanishing of the Ac1 band at 48 kbar. The effect is related to a morphological transition for lack of a quasi‐planar correlation at high pressures. In sulfur rich glasses, the three characteristic modes, 153, 219 and 475 cm1, of the S8 ring disappear at 20–27 kbar, depending upon x and the laser light intensity. It is suggested that sulfur chains in g‐Ge1−xSx are like broken S8 rings in contrast with selenium chains in g‐Ge1−xSex having long spatial extent. We have observed a softening of the SnS4‐A1 mode at high pressures in g‐Ge0.6Sn0.4S3 where the tin atoms are not incorporated into sulfur clusters but into the GeS4/2 clusters. The glass forming tendency of the (Ge,Sn) chalcogenide glass system is discussed, based on our high pressure works and in relation to a significant composition x=0.8.

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