PAIX (Photometer AntarctIca eXtinction) is an extended programme monitoring the Blazhko circumpolar stars from one of the highest Antarctica plateau, Dome C (3300 m), using a multi‐color photometer attached at the focus of a 40 cm Ritchey‐Chretien telescope installed during the polar summer 2006. Several high quality RRLyrae light curves are obtained with a quasi‐uninterrupted time coverage over several pulsation and Blazhko cycles. Here, we present the first time series photometry from Dome C obtained on S Ara and during the 2007 polar night, from June to August 2007. Our results show that S Arae is “bona fide” a Blazhko star with strong nonlinearity and triplet structure. New phenomenological descriptions of the light curve variation are reported giving new insight for future Blazhko theoretical investigations and a unique opportunity to cope with the hydrodynamical challenge in connection with the radial pulsation. We conclude that high‐precision CCD photometry with exceptional time coverage can be undertaken at Dome C in order to successfully gain an understanding of the Blazhko effect.

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