Some recent developments have been made in the study of phase transitions in grand unified theories (GUTs) in which radiatively induced corrections to the effective potential play an important role (e.g. Coleman‐Weinberg models). The course of the phase transition is shown to depend sensitively on the choice of parameters of the theory. A restricted class of parameters, excluding the simplest SU(5) GUT model, is found to lead to an inflationary Universe. An heuristic argument is given to show that the spectrum of fluctuations in such models (on observable scales) is scale invariant and a dimensional argument is proposed to explain the amplitude of the resultant fluctuations. Only a much more restricted class of GUT models is found to yield an inflationary Universe with fluctuations that are not so big as to be inconsistent with the isotropy and homogeneity in the observable Universe.
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20 May 1984
Problems in Unification and Supergravity
13-16 January 1983
La Jolla, CA, USA
Research Article|
May 20 1984
Phase transitions and fluctuations in inflationary universe models based on (nearly) Coleman‐Weinberg gut models
Paul Joseph Steinhardt
Paul Joseph Steinhardt
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
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AIP Conf. Proc. 116, 147–166 (1984)
Paul Joseph Steinhardt; Phase transitions and fluctuations in inflationary universe models based on (nearly) Coleman‐Weinberg gut models. AIP Conf. Proc. 20 May 1984; 116 (1): 147–166.
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