Experimental data of two low‐density polyethylene (LDPE) melts at 200° C for both shear flow (transient and steady shear viscosity as well as steady first normal stress coefficient) and elongational flow (transient and steady‐state elongational viscosity) as published by Pivokonsky et al. [1] were analyzed by use of the Molecular Stress Function (MSF) model for broadly distributed, randomly branched molecular structures. For quantitative modeling of melt rheology in both types of flow and in a very wide range of deformation rates, only three nonlinear viscoelastic material parameters are needed: While the rotational parameter, and the structural parameter, β, are found to be equal for the two melts considered, the melts differ in the parameter describing maximum stretch of the polymer chains.
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24 July 2009
NOVEL TRENDS IN RHEOLOGY III: Proceedings of the International Conference
28–29 July 2009
Zlin (Czech Republic)
Research Article|
July 24 2009
Rheological Characterization and Constitutive Modeling of Two LDPE Melts
Víctor Hugo Rolón‐Garrido;
Víctor Hugo Rolón‐Garrido
aChair of Polymer Engineering/Polymer Physics, Berlin Institute of Technoogy (TU Berlin), Fasanenstrasse 90, D‐10623 Berlin, Germany
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Radek Pivokonsky;
Radek Pivokonsky
bInstitute of Hydrodynamics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Pod Patankou 5, 16612 Prague 6, Czech Republic
cPolymer Centre, Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, TGM 275, Zlin 76272, Czech Republic
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Petr Filip;
Petr Filip
bInstitute of Hydrodynamics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Pod Patankou 5, 16612 Prague 6, Czech Republic
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Martin Zatloukal;
Martin Zatloukal
cPolymer Centre, Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, TGM 275, Zlin 76272, Czech Republic
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Manfred H. Wagner
Manfred H. Wagner
aChair of Polymer Engineering/Polymer Physics, Berlin Institute of Technoogy (TU Berlin), Fasanenstrasse 90, D‐10623 Berlin, Germany
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AIP Conf. Proc. 1152, 32–43 (2009)
Víctor Hugo Rolón‐Garrido, Radek Pivokonsky, Petr Filip, Martin Zatloukal, Manfred H. Wagner; Rheological Characterization and Constitutive Modeling of Two LDPE Melts. AIP Conf. Proc. 24 July 2009; 1152 (1): 32–43. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3203283
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