The adsorption of electropositive atoms with an odd number of electrons (H, K, Au) on a perfect TiO2(110) rutile surface is investigated using periodic DFT calculations (VASP code). The rutile surface, a closed shell system when uncovered, becomes an open‐shell system when covered by one of these adsorbates. One possibility for adsorption is to transfer electrons from the adsorbate A⋅ to the rutile‐surface, (the rutile is reduced): A⋅→A++e. The cationic A+ moiety will then adsorb on basic O2− surface sites forming OA groups. This is the best adsorption mode for H, K and Au. Another solution is to couple two adsorbates A to give A+ and A:2A⋅→A+ and A and subsequent adsorption on basic and acidic surface sites respectively regenerating the closed‐shell system. This is the best adsorption mode for the coadsorption of Au with H or K. Then, Au adsorbs on the surface acidic site, Ti+4, while H+ (or K+) does on the surface basic sites, O−2. Our results confirm that K coadsorption should have a significant effect on the binding of Au particles on TiO2 surfaces and hence on the growth.

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