We report on a new search for possible large scale radio features in the Cygnus X‐3 environment associated with the jets of this microquasar. We aim to improve our previous search focusing our attention on arc‐minute angular scales, i.e., closer than previously explored. Our work is mostly based on the analysis of VLA archive data, and also the CGPS and GB6 surveys. We also use deep near infrared observations obtained by ourselves in 2005.

We present a new radio map of the Cygnus X‐3 field obtained after combining multi‐configuration VLA archive data at 6 cm. This is probably the deepest radio image of this microquasar reported up to date at cm wavelengths (rms noise 9.5 μJy/beam). It reveals a curious plume of extended radio emission, just within a few arc‐minute from the microquasar position, with a morphology reminiscent of some radiogalaxies like 3C 264 and likely non‐thermal. We tentatively suggest the possibility that this extended emission might be a jet‐driven bubble as in the Cygnus X‐1 case. In addition, we report on the serendipitous discovery of a Fanaroff‐Riley type II radio galaxy very close in the sky to Cygnus X‐3. This provides a curious “family picture” of two accreting sources in the same shot.

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