Despite its technological significance, the rheological behavior of polymer melts in equibiaxial elongational flow is largely unexplored and, consequently, is inadequately understood. The simple reason for this is that methods for generating equibiaxial elongational deformations are either very complicated or not reliable. The most widely accepted method for generating rheologically controlled equibiaxial elongational flow is the rotating clamp method, or MultiAxiale Dehnung (MAD), developed by Meissner. However, the extremely complicated nature of the MAD rheometer has resulted in a relatively limited set of experimental data. A promising method that has been used with some success is known as Lubricated Squeezing Flow (LSF), where a polymer melt is squeezed between lubricated surfaces. Unfortunately, uncontrolled lubricant thinning limits the LSF technique to rather modest strain levels. Here we report the first direct comparisons of data obtained with the LSF and MAD techniques. We find that the data obtained using LSF deviate from the MAD data at Hencky strains of less than one, and display behavior that could easily be mistaken for strain hardening. For the past few years, we have been developing a modified LSF technique that involves the continuous injection of lubricant through porous metal plates. We report the first measurements of transient equibiaxial elongational viscosity obtained using the modified LSF technique and make comparisons with data from the MAD rheometer.
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7 July 2008
THE XV INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON RHEOLOGY: The Society of Rheology 80th Annual Meeting
3–8 August 2008
Monterey (California)
Research Article|
July 07 2008
A Continuous Lubricated Squeezing Flow Technique to Study the Rheological Behavior of Polymer Melts in Equibiaxial Elongational Flow
David Venerus;
David Venerus
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Center of Excellence in Polymer Science and Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 USA
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Teresita Guadarrama‐Medina;
Teresita Guadarrama‐Medina
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Center of Excellence in Polymer Science and Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 USA
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Tai‐Yi Shiu
Tai‐Yi Shiu
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Center of Excellence in Polymer Science and Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 USA
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AIP Conf. Proc. 1027, 1183–1185 (2008)
David Venerus, Teresita Guadarrama‐Medina, Tai‐Yi Shiu; A Continuous Lubricated Squeezing Flow Technique to Study the Rheological Behavior of Polymer Melts in Equibiaxial Elongational Flow. AIP Conf. Proc. 7 July 2008; 1027 (1): 1183–1185.
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