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AIP Publishing is a wholly owned not-for-profit subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). Our portfolio comprises highly regarded, peer-reviewed journals, including a growing portfolio of Open Access titles, that cover all areas of the physical sciences.

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Research Article
Hongyi Jiang (蒋弘毅), Yunfei Teng (滕云飞) et al.
in Physics of Fluids
Peak hydrodynamic loads and on-bottom stability of subsea pipelines and cables laid on seabed are major design considerations in engineering practice. The analogous problem of a bottom-mounted ...
Review Article
Ye Min Thant, Taishiro Wakamiya et al.
in Chemical Physics Reviews
Machine learning (ML) is increasingly used in chemical physics and materials science. One major area of thrust is machine learning of properties of molecules and solid materials from descriptors of ...
Research Article
P. Nagarani, Victor Job et al.
in Physics of Fluids
This paper explores non-Newtonian fluid flow and the transport of oxygen through a stenosed artery. The Casson fluid model was used to describe the pulsatile blood flow within the artery, whereas the ...

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