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Calculation of backward flow in channels with moving walls in oil free non-contact vacuum pumps
AIP Conf. Proc. 2141, 030024 (2019)
This article has been cited by the following articles in journals that are participating in CrossRef Cited-by Linking.
- A.V. Tyurin
- A.V. Burmistrov
- A.A. Raykov
- S.I. Salikeev
Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Маchine Building (2020) (08 (725)): 37.
- Alexey V. Tyurin
- Aleksey V. Burmistrov
- Sergey I. Salikeev
- Alexey A. Raykov
- Marina G. Fomina
Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis 32, 42 (2020)