Jade Tan-Holmes has released another “Up and Atom” channel YouTube video, reviewing Maxwell’s laws in integral form and reviewing fields, field lines and circulations, surface and path integrals, vector dot products, flux, and so forth accompanied with a richly illustrated set of animations and static images. I wish that I had had access to these kinds of presentations as an undergraduate learner, and I will be recommending this video to my own undergraduate E&M students, who are highly motivated to learn these challenging models deeply embedded in multiple representations (complex 3D geometric figures, vector calculus notated mathematical equations, and highly specialized technical vocabulary). Other master teachers explain Maxwell’s equations, notably Kathy Joseph’s nice mathematical-historical video, which presents Maxwell’s equations in their differential forms, defining del, divergence, curl, and Gauss’s law. Given the complementarity of the approaches, both are worth watching for students. These are half-hour-length videos...

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