Every year, we publish rosters listing all the degree-granting physics and astronomy departments in the US. These rosters include the number of degrees awarded at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. In addition, they provide information on enrollments in introductory courses, as well as the number of juniors, seniors, and, where applicable, first-year graduate students.
In addition to being available as a PDF, the roster is also available as an Excel spreadsheet that includes both physics and astronomy departments. The Excel spreadsheet includes the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) faculty members for the first time. The physics roster is available at https://ww2.aip.org/statistics/roster-of-physics-department-with-enrollment-and-degree-data-2023, and the astronomy roster is available at https://ww2.aip.org/statistics/roster-of-astronomy-departments-with-enrollment-and-degree-data-2023.
Anne Marie Porter and I will attend the 2025 Winter Meeting; we hope to see you there. On Tuesday, January 21, during the 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. block, we will be presenting two invited talks highlighting findings...