This past summer, one of my “E&M for HS Teachers” course students pointed out a quite humorous “joke video” by @eigenchris tracking a student struggling to learn about voltage through middle school science class, high school physics class, and university circuits class and finally arriving at a “ball rolling down a hill” model, with much self-reflection about his learning process. Eigenchris’s YouTube channel has similarly humorous “April Fools” videos reflecting on learning ever more complex multilevel ideas like momentum, doing hard integrals, and topology. His channel is quite impressive with a collection of videos dedicated to special and general relativity, tensors and tensor calculus, and spinors, all delivered with deadpan humor.
The voltage video arose when a colleague was teaching the concept of electric potential (widely referred to as voltage) using the famous introductory modeling physics “bleacher” activity—students sit on athletic bleachers or stairs, calculate...