Are you looking for a data-based activity to teach about the Hubble–LeMaître law in your astronomy or physics class? Rubin Observatory has released an online investigation that’s free, uses authentic data, and can be implemented in 2 hours or less. It is appropriate for high school through introductory college students in “Astro 101” courses. Designed to help novice learners develop their discipline understanding and data fluency, the investigation uses multiple supports for equitable learning informed by principles detailed in Universal Design for Learning,1 Next Generation Science Standards, Appendix D,2 and STEM Teaching Tools.3
Typical challenges with bringing authentic data investigations into the classroom are the amount of time and effort involved in preparing for the activity in order to just begin to explore data (downloading the data, installing software, etc.). Rubin investigations have been created to significantly lower this bar to entry. To do the investigation, only...