Last month’s “WebSights” column made passing reference to often non-canonical online physics educational resources by Nick Lucid of “The Science Asylum”—a video introducing the Poynting vector at a HS level. Since then I have been exploring Nick’s almost 170 offbeat YouTube videos (also an Instagram channel) on mostly physics, math and astronomy. Nick is a publicly loud and proud autism spectrum guy who has chosen to “embrace the cringe” with much humor, bad jokes, and interacting with multiple dopplegangers of himself taking various roles (like “Question Clone” and “Nerd Clone: Master of Pedantry”) in his delightfully informative videos. His series on quantum mechanics and general relativity are particularly thought provoking. Nick’s “New to the channel” series includes 10 videos on how Hawking radiation “really” works, dynamic visualizations of atomic orbitals, what do scales measure, where does light come from, visualizing Maxwell’s equations, what the HECK is energy,...

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