Each year we prepare rosters of all degree-granting physics and astronomy departments in the U.S. The institutions are sorted by state. Each entry includes enrollments in first-year physics, physical science, and astronomy classes. The data also include the number of juniors and seniors majoring in the field at that institution and the number of graduate students, including the number of first-year graduate students. Finally, the total number of degrees awarded at the bachelors, masters, and doctoral level.
The information is available in PDF and Excel. Readers can use the data in a number of ways. High school teachers can find the institutions closest to them and determine how many students are there. Faculty members can compare the data for their institution with that for sister schools.
The rosters are available at www.aip.org/statistics/reports/roster-physics-2020 and www.aip.org/statistics/reports/roster-astronomy-2020. In addition, there is a repository of rosters from previous years. For more data about...