When I started my tenure-track position in September of 2001, the cabinets in the Morehead State Physics labs were full of “old” pieces of equipment. The three faculty who retired and paved the way for the three newly hired faculty operated the lab on a shoestring budget and saved everything. We began the laborious process of building a new lab with Vernier and PASCO equipment, throwing away much of the older equipment. We did save a number of choice “antiques” with wooden bases and brass fixtures.
For many years these treasures remained hidden away in cabinets. But the many contributions of Thomas B. Greenslade Jr. in TPT and AJP inspired me. I was determined to assemble a display of antique physics equipment at Morehead State. Several of the pieces in our collection were easily identified, as they appeared in some of Greenslade’s TPT contributions: these include a tubular rheostat,1...