Nina Morley Daye received the association’s Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT.
Regarding her selection to receive this citation, Daye said, “AAPT has been a key part of my professional life in physics education since 1982. The people I have met through AAPT and the PTRA (Physics Teaching Resource Agents) are family to me. I love helping others grow personally and professionally; I am very honored to receive this recognition from an organization that I love.”
Daye is a National Board Certified teacher and received the Presidential Award of Excellence in Secondary Science in 1997 for North Carolina. She finds ways to share physics with teachers, students, and the public. A PTRA since 1986, she is a highly respected physics workshop leader and teacher, and has spent the last 38 years dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of physics.
Daye not only has excellent teaching methodologies...