Two blocks, of masses M and 2M, are placed next to each other on a horizontal smooth surface. The blocks are connected by a light spring with force constant k.
Initially, the blocks are at rest. Then block M is given a quick push directly away from block 2M so that it acquires velocity v. Find the displacement of block M by the next moment its velocity equals v again.
We received a large number of solutions to our October Challenge, Up and away…. The solutions came from all over the world. Many of the solutions, alas, were incorrect.
We are pleased to recognize the following successful solvers:
Juan M. Aguirregabiria (University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain)
Philip Blanco (Grossmont College, El Cajon, CA)
Norman Derby (Southwestern Oregon Community College, Brookings, OR)
Omar Khan (GIK Institute, Pakistan)
José Costa Leme (Escola Básica e...