I am inspired to write this article after coming across some publications in The Physics Teacher that all hit on topics of personal interest and experience. Similarly to Christensen my goal in writing this is to encourage other physics educators to take advantage of modern technology in delivering content to students and to feel comfortable doing so. There are numerous ways in which to create screencasts and lecture videos, some of which have been addressed in other articles. I invite those interested in learning how to create these videos to contact their educational technology staff or perform some internet searches on the topic. I will focus this article on the technology that enhanced the content I was delivering to my students. I will share a bit of my journey towards creating video materials and introduce a vital piece of technology, the graphics tablet, which changed the way I communicate with my students.
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April 2018
April 01 2018
The Graphics Tablet – A Valuable Tool for the Digital STEM Teacher
Jeff Stephens
Jeff Stephens
Misericordia University
, 301 Lake St., Dallas, PA 18612; [email protected]
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Phys. Teach. 56, 230–231 (2018)
Jeff Stephens; The Graphics Tablet – A Valuable Tool for the Digital STEM Teacher. Phys. Teach. 1 April 2018; 56 (4): 230–231. https://doi.org/10.1119/1.5028238
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