Looking back over the names of the most recent list of TPT reviewers, I am struck by what a great group of people they are! I am filled with such admiration and—I’ll just say it—love for this community that sometimes I just feel like I’m going to overflow with warm fuzzies. Bright, generous, knowledgeable, collegial, clever, friendly, heroic, and did I say bright? In fact, they are so bright, you might consider using eclipse glasses to view them so as not to damage your eyes—I’m sure that you can probably find a pair lying around somewhere, what with the upcoming total eclipse being available to a significant fraction of the TPT readership this summer (August 21, 2017, see https://aapt.org/resources/eclipse2017/). Please take a moment to find someone’s name in the list below that you know, and send them a brief note of thanks, or thank them in person at the...

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