This past summer I noticed remarkable summer temperatures here in upstate New York – the highest in 136 years of record keeping. There were a number of striking online climate data visualization postings this past year, starting with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Institute for Space Studies, “NASA Analysis Finds July 2016 is Warmest on Record,” http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/news/20160816/. Kudos to the NASA Goddard ESD folk. We really are in uncharted waters, and should vote and comport ourselves accordingly—as a species we need to seriously change our actions and stop digging ourselves into a deeper fossil fuel hole. Randall Munroe’s excellent xkcd.com series sets the context for the scale of these temperature changes within the past 22,000 years of human experience.
Commented and submitted to PHYS-L by Dan MacIsaac, David Marx, and John S Denker