A bridge rectifier is a diamond-shaped configuration of diodes that serves to convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). In our world of AC outlets and DC electronics, they are ubiquitous. Of course, most bridge rectifiers are built with regular diodes, not the light-emitting variety, because LEDs have a number of disadvantages. For educational purposes, however, an LED-based rectifier is ideal because it allows students to literally see the rectifier operating. Here I'll discuss the practical aspects of building a full AC adapter incorporating an LED-based rectifier and ideas on how to use it in class.

Juan A.
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Seeing rectifiers at work
Phys. Teach.
A video that incorporates a schematic diagram and the LED bridge rectifier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZctTmmS-gA&list=UUK_Byl8Tr49Nm720MGwuxWA (it may be easier to just search for the author's YouTube channel by name).
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