As we noted last month, about 176,000 students were enrolled in various physics courses on two-year college (TYC) campuses during the 2011–12 academic year. Enrollment had grown by about 60% since the 1995–96 academic year. It is apparent in the figure at right that the growth in enrollment varied by type of course. Calculus-based physics accounted for about one-fourth of the students taking physics at TYCs in both academic years. Algebra/Trig-based physics enrollments accounted for just over one-third of the students in the 1995–96 academic year and 44% in 2011–12. Enrollments in conceptual physics classes also accounted for an increased share of total physics enrollments in 2011–12. Enrollments in these three classes accounted for over 90% of TYC physics students in 2011–12, up from about three-fourths in 1995–96.

In the February issue, we'll compare enrollments in physics courses taught at TYCs with those taught at four-year institutions. If you have...

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