Sherwood is famous for coauthoring the Matter and Interactions (M&I) modern introductory physics curriculum; he also plays an important role in the development and promotion of VPython Modeling for physics instruction. Lately Bruce has been experimenting with GlowScript, a browser-based simulation environment (which does require a computer with graphic GPU and WebGL). I have used the SpaceStation and PotentialEnergyWell applets to warrant student claims in class activity and discussion of rotational motion and Newton's laws, gravitation, and the electric potential.

My students have also used Sherwood's library of VPython applets from his lecture-demo materials webpage for visualization (and in some fewer cases for their own coding). I also regularly use the “Observing Surface Charge” and “Charged Straw” videos from this page in classes linking static electric and circuit phenomena.

Finally, a number of my own graduate students in physics education have directed me to the excellent collection of video recorded...

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