Two turtles, A and B, are relaxing at the water's edge a distance d apart. Then A begins to swim away from the shore. B gives chase, taking off at the same moment. During the chase, A keeps swimming directly away from the shore while B keeps swimming directly toward A. The speeds of both turtles are the same. Find the distance between A and B after a long time interval.
The 2011–2012 season of Challenges had a strong finish, with many readers from all over the world submitting the solutions to our March, April, and May problems.
We are pleased to recognize the following contributors:
Sharmila Balamurugan (student, Women's Christian College, Chennai, India)
Hratch Barsoumian (Haigazian University, Beirut, Lebanon)
André Bellemans (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Mark Brown (Cretin-Derham Hall H.S., St. Paul, MN)
Phil Cahill (The SI Organization, Inc., Rosemont, PA)
Jaime Carrillo Moreno (student, Escuela Politécnica Superior,...