A thin copper plate of mass m has a shape of a square with a side b and thickness d. The plate is suspended on a vertical spring with a force constant k in a uniform horizontal magnetic field B parallel to the plane of the plate. Find the period of the small-amplitude vertical oscillations of the plate.
We received a large number of solutions from all over the world for our January Challenge, Hot, Cool, and Working Hard . We are pleased to recognize the following authors of correct solutions:
Antonio Jorge Aranda Gomez (student, Eiscuela Superior Politecnica, Seville, Spain)
Sharmila Balamurugan (student, Women's (Christian College, Chennai, India),
Hratch Barsoumian (Haigazian University, Beirut, Lebanon)
André Bellemans (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Phil Cahill (Lockheed Martin Corporation, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom)
Elizabeth Culbertson and Nicholas Ritter, students(George C. Marshall High School, Falls Church, VA)
Oscar Lscucha García (student,...