After finding Moloney and McGarvey's1 modified adiabatic compression apparatus, I decided to insert this experiment into my physical chemistry laboratory at the last minute, replacing a problematic experiment. With insufficient time to build the apparatus, we placed a bottle between two thick textbooks and compressed it with a third textbook forced down from above. We discovered that approximately one in three trials exhibited a damped pressure oscillation after compression, as shown in Fig. 1 below, making it difficult to determine the true peak pressure. We discarded these trials and used only those without oscillation. I subsequently have had time to build a version of Moloney and McGarvin's apparatus. Using this apparatus, my students and I have recently performed numerous adiabatic compression trials with three different gases, with very few instances of oscillation.

M. J.
A. P.
, “
A simplified adiabatic compression apparatus
Phys. Teach.
Some students had insufficient strength to compress a 2-L bottle. We now use primarily 20-oz bottles.
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