High school physics students are often capable of, and commonly interested in, understanding natural phenomena beyond those described in their textbooks. In order to supplement the shortage of topics covered in their physics courses, many students turn to popular scientific books, journals, and other media. There, they discover a plethora of topics that scientists are yet to understand or even explore. Although many high school students have this keen interest in science, very few are aware of actual research opportunities. Quite often, these students decide that the stuff that they really want to do is exclusive to universities and national labs, which appear to them as vast unknown universes. Unfortunately, since professional researchers and high school science teachers rarely communicate, no one bridges this gap for the students.
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November 2010
November 01 2010
An Interactive Science Blog at UCF for High School Science Students
Jesus Paredes;
Jesus Paredes
Lyman High School, Longwood, FL
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Enrique del Barco
Enrique del Barco
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
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Phys. Teach. 48, 506–507 (2010)
Jesus Paredes, Enrique del Barco; An Interactive Science Blog at UCF for High School Science Students. Phys. Teach. 1 November 2010; 48 (8): 506–507. https://doi.org/10.1119/1.3502498
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