This paper provides a brief introduction to using ray-traced computer graphics for creating illustrations to be used in physics teaching. The article focuses on Povray, a freely available ray-tracing software program. We have found that a ray-traced illustration produced with this software provides a final-image quality that is far superior to hand-drawn illustrations and those produced using standard click-and-draw computer drawing software. Techniques for illustrating time-dependent scenarios are discussed as well.
R. Good, Classical Electromagnetism, 1st ed. (Saunders College Publishing, New York, 1999), p. vi.
Pixar Animation Studios, 1200 Park Ave., Emeryville, CA 94608 (
Povray's coordinate system is left-handed. This means (when looking at the computer screen) +x runs right, −x runs left, +y runs up, and −y runs down. +z runs into the page and perpendicular to it, while −z runs out of the page.
We highly recommend Quicktime Pro from Apple Computer Corp. ( It will import a series of images (in many possible formats) and assemble them into a variety of popular computer-movie formats.
For Windows: Pull down the “Render” menu, then select the “Edit Settings/Render” option. For Macintosh: With a Povray text file open, pull down the “Edit” menu, then select the “filename.pov settings” option. In both cases, you'll see a text box labeled “Command line” or “Command line options.” Type “final_frame = 20” to, for example, render 20 separate frames of your scene.
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